Do you know that a Smile is never wasted!
Ron Harris
Do you walk thorough life frowning, are you always in a bad mood, mad at the world? Take it from a guy that has had to battle anger, foul moods, having those around you scared to say anything to you. It is not something to be proud of, knowing you don't make those around you comfortable. The time to think about that is now. Do you want to spend your days by yourself because you make the people around you hesitant to even share the pleasant things that are happening.
Life is truly better with a smile in it. Have you ever noticed that if you smile at someone while passing them, it is almost impossible for them not to return the smile. Have you tried to be mad at a person when they naturally bubbly and consistently up beat. If you can just grab yourself and think about the great days you have when you are surrounded by happy people. I don't know what the scientific reason is but smiling just seems to make things better. We all know it is not possible to always have a smile but to know things seem more enjoyable when we do should make all of us too serious people try harder.
More facts about smiling
• A smile is a expression of happiness and recognized by all cultures
• Most people know it only takes 5 pairs of facial muscles and can take up to 53 muscles to frown.
• Smiling causes the release of endorphins that make us feel better
• Even ‘faking’ a smile can lead to feeling happier
• People are born with the ability to smile.
• A newborn shows a preference for a smiling face over a non-smiling face
• It is a proven fact women smile more than men. Wonder why?
• Younger people smile more than older people. As an older person I am working on this!
• There are 18 different kinds of smile used for different types of social situations
• A smiling person is considered to be more pleasant, attractive, sincere, and sociable, than a non-smiling person
We all would do well to practice our smiles. If you are shy or not very confident a smile is a great way to break the ice. Find a friend and talk to them about what makes them smile and how it makes them feel. Do they enjoy life more or do they make the best of things and move on. Do you know that a frown normally brings a frown in return. So why not try it and see if it makes a difference for you. Remember smiling releases endorphins, that is a fact so if you are feeling grumpy or down try it, if nothing else you can bring a smile to someone else.
You can choose to be permanently grumpy or you can choose to cheer up and smile! Have you been putting off the smiles? By smiling you will you feel better (see above). You can even trick your brain into believing you feel good by getting that smile on your face, even if you don’t feel like it yet. Do it long enough and you won’t have to fake it.
You need to be conscientious of smiling, work on it, have practice days. Smile at the person you are passing on the street, smile at the grouch at work. See what a difference it makes to be the person promoting the smile. Take a measure of your life, does your job make you unhappy, is it your boss, maybe in these times it just the economy. Whatever is dragging you down, you need to look at the issues. Decide if you can do something different and act on it. Don't wait until you get too old. The most important thing we miss in youth is the realization we only have one go round on this earth we owe it to our self's to open our eyes and put a smile on those lips. Smile and give yourself a better chance at happiness.
You can't change everything at once but you can take an honest look and see what is possible, work on the changes you can make. Smile! Try and smile at at least one stranger each day. For the less confident this could be a challenge – but you can do it! Remember it takes less facial muscles so Smile!
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