
Friday, March 09, 2012

Motivation Begins at Home!

Self-Motivation begins at home.

I does not matter at what stage of your life you are at whether you are just starting in school, or beginning your career at the bottom rung of the ladder. If you have just graduated or a seasoned professional. You are always selling yourself.

For your entire life you will be doing your best to gain respect, influence, or merely persuading others to listen to your views. I begins with one's self.

Here are some helpful hints for you.

  • You must believe in Yourself.

You must believe in yourself and convey that impression to others. Many people talk to themselves in a negative manner, and this can hold them back. My father was a simple man, he only reached the eight-grade but the most profound thing I can remember him telling us kids was, “Can't never did anything”

  • It is a “right attitude” not just a positive attitude.
Being constructive and optimistic is a sign of a successful person. They have a calm, confident, and optimistic demeanor. They have the belief they will be successful in whatever they do. No matter what occupation you are in there will times you will need to work on your attitude. Remember you are the one controlling your attitude. Don't let things you can't control, determine your attitude. Avoid complaining, criticizing, or condemning others.

Maintain a positive pleasant and approachable personality.

  • Smile

A great smile is one of your best tools for success. Try it for yourself. As you are walking when someone looks at you flash that smile at them and watch their reaction. Nearly one hundred percent of the time they will return that smile. If you are asking for help or direction use the weapon, it is the smile and nearly always it gets you a positive reaction.

  • Use names

By using a persons name you automatically get their attention. If you are doing a transaction that requires another persons name use it. If they are wearing a name tag use their name in a polite and pleasant manner.

  • Watch the other person

Observing the other person is important, if they are ill at ease or inattentive and they are going to be difficult to communicate with. Until you put them at ease you will not accomplish anything.

You need to get them engaged in the conversation. A good way to do this is to get them to talk about themselves. It is also important to remember the first conversation, does not always yield the results you hope for. This is due to the fact the interviewee is more likely to be distracted.

Be interested, look at the person and nod or comment on what they are saying. People value your opinion and if you are interested in them they will return that interest.

  • Talk Positively

Insure the statements you make are in a positive vain. Don't use negative terms to describe the weather or business conditions. When I was managing stores I never would describe business in a negative way.

Maintaining a positive manner will help to give others a better outlook as well. If you are negative those around you will pick it up.

  • Be Warm and Friendly

If you are friendly others will reciprocate the behavior. It is not about being nicey, nicey it is being genuine. I can't say it enough the way you are is the way you will be treated. People respect and admire those that treat them well, and normally they return that behavior.

I feel it is very important to be, and convey a positive self-motivation by following the above tips you will be demonstrating this. By engaging others in this way you will be displaying your motivation, and you will be gaining motivation by the way other interact with you.

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